This Makes Law of Attraction
Start Working Like Crazy
Hint: You’re doing it right now.
Breathe in….
Breathe out….
Does that feel better?
I thought so.
What if I told you that what you just did, inhaling and exhaling, is a skill that could be honed to get you anything you want out of life?
What if I told you that if you knew how to breathe properly, you could invite every blessing into your life…
Better health….
better sex….
better relationships…
and more money…
All with the power of your breath?
A few months ago…
I was just like you, thinking that breathing was an autonomous function that I never needed to think twice about.
But I met a man whose blood shows he is half his age, a 65-year-old man married to a very happy 25 year old woman…
A man who has seemingly infinite amounts of energy…
The most loyal spouse and the most respectful children and grandchildren I’ve ever seen.
This man showed me something called “Breathing with The Universe”
He showed me that, just as we give ourselves life through breathing, the universe gains its existence through something similar to breathing.
And we are all on its rhythm.
It’s just that some of us are living their lives “on beat” and others are living their lives “off-beat”.
And if we make a single, subtle tweak to our breathing, it’s possible that our entire lives would change.
This only takes 5 minutes a day and the results are immediate.
What is this one subconscious power that can change your life on a dime?
It is the power of life itself.
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