Global Wood Trade



Wood Products

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Trade Zone For Members: Marketplace For Timber & Wood Products
folder.gif (581 bytes) Logs  buy2.gif (727 bytes)sell2.gif (752 bytes)post2.gif (750 bytes)
(1) Hardwood; Softwood; Tropical
folder.gif (581 bytes) Sawn Lumber & Other Lumber  buy2.gif (727 bytes)sell2.gif (752 bytes)post2.gif (750 bytes)
(2) Hardwood Lumber; Softwood Lumber; Tropical Lumber; Treated Lumber;Dimension ect
folder.gif (581 bytes) Plywood & Veneer   buy2.gif (727 bytes)sell2.gif (752 bytes)post2.gif (750 bytes)
(3) Hardwood Plywood; Softwood Plywood; Veneer; Slice/Fancy Veneer folder.gif (581 bytes) Other Panels & Boards Products  buy2.gif (727 bytes)sell2.gif (752 bytes)post2.gif (750 bytes)
(4) Blockboard; Concrete Panels; Fibre Board; MDF; Laminated Products; Hard Board; Particle Board;OSB
folder.gif (581 bytes) Milled Lumbe/Lumber for construction  buy2.gif (727 bytes)sell2.gif (752 bytes)post2.gif (750 bytes)
(5) Siding; Paneling; Moulding, Solid; Moulding, Finger-jointed; Roof Decking; Exterior Decking folder.gif (581 bytes) Other Engineered Wood Products buy2.gif (727 bytes)sell2.gif (752 bytes)post2.gif (750 bytes)
(6) Glue-Lams; I-Joists; LVL; Structural Composite; Wood Connections
folder.gif (581 bytes) Wood Components  buy2.gif (727 bytes)sell2.gif (752 bytes)post2.gif (750 bytes)
(7) Solid rounds & dowels; Carvings; Turnings; Edge glued panels; Cut stock; Cut-to-size blanks;  Finger-jointed blanks; Squares-solid; Squares-laminated; Cabinet Parts; Table Parts; Stair Parts; Door Parts; Window Parts folder.gif (581 bytes) Other Wood Products   buy2.gif (727 bytes)sell2.gif (752 bytes)post2.gif (750 bytes)
(8) Tone Wood;Pallet Parts; Pallets; Columns; Trusses; Fencing; Scaffolding; Handles; Shakes, Shingles
folder.gif (581 bytes) Floorings, Doors & Windows   buy2.gif (727 bytes)sell2.gif (752 bytes)post2.gif (750 bytes)
(9) Wood floorings & flooring materials, Doors & Windows folder.gif (581 bytes) Furniture & Furiniture Components  buy2.gif (727 bytes)sell2.gif (752 bytes)post2.gif (750 bytes)
(10) Furniture & furniture components
folder.gif (581 bytes) Wood Toys & Art Crafts  buy2.gif (727 bytes)sell2.gif (752 bytes)post2.gif (750 bytes)
(11) Wood frame ; wood box ; Wood carving; Wood toys folder.gif (581 bytes) Woodworking Machinery&Equipments  buy2.gif (727 bytes)sell2.gif (752 bytes)post2.gif (750 bytes)
(12) Woodworking machinery ;Equipments & tools
folder.gif (581 bytes) Pulp and Paper  buy2.gif (727 bytes)sell2.gif (752 bytes)post2.gif (750 bytes)
(13) Pulp & paper products folder.gif (581 bytes) Related Industries Products  buy2.gif (727 bytes)sell2.gif (752 bytes)post2.gif (750 bytes)
(14) Other timber & furniture related products and services; Computer CAD softwares



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