Learning To Live With An English Bull Terrier from Puppy To Adult



An English Bull Terrier eBook – how to live with/without them!

English Bull Terrier’s – and living with them!

How to live with them from puppies to adult
An English Bull Terrier eBook with information that is equally applicable to puppies, re-homes and rescue’s – learn not only about an owners problems but also the sheer pleasure and enjoyment gained during the course of bringing one up from a puppy!

Are you worried that this might be you?
” An English Bull Terrier ! (they are sometimes known as ‘bullies’) I’d like to own one but I’m worried about looking after it properly, about feeding it, training it and it’s general health as I’ve not owned a pedigree dog before and want to do the best for it”

Some of the things we describe in our English Bull Terrier eBook are:

Choosing a puppy, Re-homes, Rescues – whichever you go for – we have some helpful tips.

Preparation, Diet, Potty Training – what to do to get yourself ready for the new arrival !

Accidents, Walking, Collars and Leads – our experience of being taken for a walk!

Sleeping, Exercise, Treats, Kennels – what they expect from you and what a dog does best!

Bad Language, Bad Habits – again, his expectations of you and your strange habits!

Health signs, Grooming, Bathing – and some of the early warning signs to look out for.

Visits to the VET – GULP! Say this quietly V.E.T!

The English Bull Terrier eBook is available from this site as a PDF, can be opened to view and print on almost any computer system – PC, Apple Mac, Linux and is available for immediate download after payment. It requires Adobe’s Acrobat reader (download it here – Adobe’s Acrobat software) to be able to view it.

Oh . . just so you know that Tyson is real here a very short video (less than 10 seconds) of a very short walk – and if he had the chance he would stay in the car all day!


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